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  • Writer's pictureTaryn D

The Gift of Mercy

How amazing is our Merciful King?

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 5:7

What is the difference between mercy and grace?

What is the gift of mercy? (Romans 12, Acts 6)

Once, I was in a situation where the Lord rebuked me (well, many times!) Allow me to pay forward this particular "fine hold up on the ear." (Proverbs)

Don't judge other people for not being as merciful as you are. If we are doing this, we may not have that gift. We may have been skipped a counterfeit.

None of us deserve gifts from Heaven. Hallelujah for adoption through the blood of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lamb who was slain for the sins of the world! The perfect sacrifice to make atonement for our sin and deliver us from the wrath of God. Love Himself.

Why oh WHY must you strive, O world? Why oh why be slaves of this CULTure, when we can be made whole, as bondslaves and sons or daughters to our loving Creator God Almighty, the Great I AM -- and be victorious over DEATH?

What is death? You do not know, for you know not life! You do not know Him! Woe!!! WOE!! For destruction comes and you do not heed Him!

Walk in the salvation and resurrection power of the One who took back the keys of hell on the cross. Abide in the Word, not by man's might or power, which will fail, but by His Spirit! Only through the perfect, sinless blood of Jesus, Yahushua Hamashiach, can we acquire life and life eternal. His righteousness saves us, for none are righteous, but HIM.

Be born, children of wrath! Be born of water and the Holy Spirit! Repent and be baptized and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Hallelujah, lost sheep of the house of Israel! Blessed are the feet of those who proclaim from the mountain top to Zion, YOUR GOD REIGNS!

Portrait of me by my youngest son 😂🤍

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